Workshop No. 06

Capital Taxation after EU Enlargement
Workshop No. 06

The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) and the University of Vienna organized a full-day workshop on “Capital Taxation after EU enlargement”, which was hosted by the OeNB on January 21, 2005. The potential implications of significant regional differences in corporate tax burdens in the enlarged European Union for capital allocation have been dominating the tax policy debate in Austria for some time. After all, some of the New Member States have only recently announced or implemented sweeping company and income tax reforms that aim at making their regions more attractive for FDI and firms’ location decisions in general. As a result there have been calls for further decreases in company tax rates also in the Old Member States. For instance, the considerable difference of the Austrian corporate income tax (CIT) rate compared to its neighboring countries, especially Hungary and the Slovak Republic, has already led to a significant cut of the CIT rate in Austria’s most recent tax reform.

Jänner 2005.

Die von den Autorinnen und Autoren in den Studien zum Ausdruck gebrachte Meinung gibt nicht notwendigerweise die Meinung der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank oder des Eurosystems wieder.