Projektmotivation und Stellungnahmen von Forschern und Zentralbankgouverneuren/-präsidenten
Ein Großteil der vorhandenen Literatur zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte befasst sich mit den fortgeschrittenen Volkswirtschaften in Westeuropa und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Die Geld- und Finanzgeschichte Südosteuropas ist hingegen noch weitgehend unerforscht. In diesem Sinn versteht sich der SEEMHN-Datenband als Beitrag zur Beleuchtung der Geldgeschichte in den einzelnen Ländern Südosteuropas sowie der Region als Ganzes.
Durch die öffentliche Bereitstellung dieser historischen Datenbank möchte das SEEMHN-Netzwerk Forscherinnen und Forscher dazu ermutigen, die Finanz- und Geldwirtschaft Südosteuropas näher zu untersuchen.
Stellungnahmen von Forschern
Michael D. Bordo, Rutgers University und NBER
“…statistical series such as these serve as the skeleton for the […writing of the Monetary history of South-East Europe]. Institutional detail and historical narrative will put flesh on the bones.”
Luis A. V. Catão, Internationaler Währungsfonds und Joint Vienna Institute
“…the volume’s comparative outlook…amply highlights main threats to financial stability, including the perils of ‘importing’ policy credibility through currency pegs whilst political institutions remain fragile and fiscal discipline elusive.”
Nicos Christodoulakis, Athens University of Economics and Business
“This landmark volume of [South-Eastern European] monetary history and data series ... will remove not only several quantitative handicaps faced so far by relevant research initiatives, but also some of the prejudice characterising the debates on whether and to which extent these economies could be ever considered as intrinsically linked to the main European developments.”
Matthias Morys, University of York (Autor der Einleitung)
"South-Eastern European monetary history is no longer terra incognita.”
Stellungnahmen von Zentralbankgouverneuren/-präsidenten
Yannis Stournaras, Präsident, Bank of Greece
“Learning from Greece’s experience and comparing it with the experiences of South-East European countries allow the creation of a valuable historical database, continuously enriched with new data. This will provide economic agents and policy makers with useful information on policy responses and outcomes. Quantitative data are an essential tool in this respect.”
Ivan Iskrov, Präsident, Бългapcκa нapoднa бaнкa (Bulgarische Nationalbank)
“The BNB believes that the volume will serve as a statistical hub of South-Eastern European monetary and economic time series. Together with the research that has already been conducted within the SEEMHN, it will further promote the study of monetary and economic history in a comparative perspective outside the narrow scope of the region.”
Mugur Constantin Isărescu, Gouverneur, Banca Naţională a României
“The Romanian central bank’s interest in the South-East European Monetary History Network (SEEMHN) programme was also sparked by the conviction that people will be ready to embark on new avenues only after they have fully comprehended the past.”
Ewald Nowotny, Gouverneur, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
“This book is the result of a long and intensive dialogue among researchers from different countries of the region. May it also serve as a useful basis and stimulus for further research. The OeNB is looking forward to the next round of debates and analyses.”