Working Papers

Working Papers

Diese Publikationsreihe (nur online verfügbar) dient der Diskussion und Verbreitung von wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studien und Forschungsergebnissen. Die Beiträge werden einem internationalen Begutachtungsverfahren unterzogen.

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  • Working Paper 259

    Oktober 2024 Households’ risk perceptions, overplacement, and financial literacy (Tabea Bucher-Koenen, Pirmin Fessler, Maria Silgoner)
  • Working Paper 258

    September 2024 The Impact of Currency Carry Trade Activity on the Transmission of Monetary Policy (Maximilian Boeck, Alina Steshkova, Thomas O. Zörner)
  • Working Paper 257

    August 2024 Take it and leave it: Banks’ balance sheet optimization and targeted longer-term refinancing operations (Michael Sigmund, Johannes Wächtler, Philip Schuster, Robert Ferstl, Maria Teresa Valderrama)
  • Working Paper 256

    April 2024 Investment incomes vs. the trade balance: Is the current account still a meaningful concept? (Konstantin Wacker)
  • Working Paper 255

    März 2024 What contributes to consumer price inflation? A novel decomposition framework with an application to Austria (Martin Schneider)
  • Working Paper 254

    März 2024 The Role of MPC Heterogeneity for Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area (Nicolas Albacete, Pirmin Fessler, Atanas Pekanov)
  • Working Paper 253

    März 2024 Multivariate assessment of interviewer-related errors in a cross-national economic survey (Lukas Olbrich, Elisabeth Beckmann, Joseph W. Sakshaug)


  • Working Paper 252

    Dezember 2023 Hawks vs. Doves: ECB’s Monetary Policy in Light of the Fed’s Policy Stance (Niko Hauzenberger, Florian Huber, Thomas Zörner)
  • Working Paper 251

    Dezember 2023 Housing and the secular decline in real interest rates (Markus Knell)
  • Working Paper 250

    November 2023 Watching over 21,000 Billion Euros: Does the ECB Single Supervisory Mechanism Affect Bank Competition in the Euro Area? (Burkhard Raunig, Michael Sigmund)
  • Working Paper 249

    Oktober 2023 The subjective wealth distribution: How it arises and why it matters to inform policy? (Pirmin Fessler, Severin Rapp)
  • Working Paper 248

    Oktober 2023 Assessing the Solvency of Virtual Asset Service Providers: Are Current Standards Sufficient? (Pietro Saggese, Esther Segalla, Michael Sigmund, Burkhard Raunig, Felix Zangerl, Bernhard Haslhofer)
  • Working Paper 247

    September 2023 Inflation Expectations in CESEE: The Role of Sentiment and Experiences (Katharina Allinger, Fabio Rumler)
  • Working Paper 246

    Mai 2023 Resource Misallocation and TFP Gap Development in Austria (Richard Sellner, Nico Pintar, Norbert Ernst)
  • Working Paper 245

    April 2023 Are zombie firms really contagious? (Norbert Ernst, Michael Sigmund)


  • Working Paper 244

    Oktober 2022 The ECB Single Supervisory Mechanism: Effects on Bank Performance and Capital Requirements (Burkhard Raunig, Michael Sigmund)
  • Working Paper 243

    Juli 2022 Environmental-Social-Governance Preferences and Investments in Crypto-Assets (Pavel Ciaian, Andrej Cupak, Pirmin Fessler, d’Artis Kancs)
  • Working Paper 242

    Juli 2022 The new normal: bank lending and negative interest rates in Austria (Marcel Barmeier)
  • Working Paper 241

    Juli 2022 What can CBDC designers learn from asking potential users? Results from a survey of Austrian residents (Svetlana Abramova, Rainer Böhme, Helmut Elsinger, Helmut Stix, Martin Summer)
  • Working Paper 240

    Juni 2022 New Facts on Consumer Price Rigidity in the Euro Area (Erwan Gautier, Cristina Conflitti, Riemer P. Faber, Brian Fabo, Ludmila Fadejeva, Valentin Jouvanceau, Jan-Oliver Menz, Teresa Messner, Pavlos Petroulas, Pau Roldan-Blanco, Fabio Rumler, Sergio Santoro, Elisabeth Wieland, Hélène Zimmer)
  • Working Paper 239

    Mai 2022 The Wealth Distribution and Redistributive Preferences: Evidence from a Randomized Survey Experiment (Nicolás Albacete, Pirmin Fessler, Peter Lindner)
  • Working Paper 238

    Februar 2022 Pension Entitlements and Net Wealth in Austria (Markus Knell, Reinhard Koman)
  • Working Paper 237

    Februar 2022 Third-Party Loan Guarantees: Measuring Literacy and its Effect on Financial Decisions (Elisabeth Beckmann, Christa Hainz, Sarah Reiter)


  • Working Paper 236

    Dezember 2021 Determinants of Contingent Convertible Bond Coupon Rates of Banks: An Empirical Analysis (Michael Sigmund, Kevin Zimmermann)
  • Working Paper 235

    Juli 2021 Bank Solvency Stress Tests with Fire Sales (Thomas Breuer, Martin Summer, Branko Urošević)
  • Working Paper 234

    Mai 2021 Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Market Volatility: A Causality Check (Burkhard Raunig)
  • Working Paper 233

    Jänner 2021 A View from Outside: Sovereign CDS Volatility as an Indicator of Economic Uncertainty (Maximilian Böck, Martin Feldkircher, Burkhard Raunig)


  • Working Paper 232

    November 2020 The Capital Buffer Calibration for Other Systemically Important Institutions – Is the Country Heterogeneity in the EU caused by Regulatory Capture? (Michael Sigmund)
  • Working Paper 231

    Juli 2020 Helicopter Money in Europe: New Evidence on the Marginal Propensity to Consume across European Households (Katharina Drescher, Pirmin Fessler, Peter Lindner)
  • Working Paper 230

    Mai 2020 Financial Innovation, Payment Choice and Cash Demand – Causal Evidence from the Staggered Introduction of Contactless Debit Cards (Martin Brown,Nicole Hentschel, Hannes Mettler, Helmut Stix)
  • Working Paper 229

    März 2020 Assessing Credit Gaps in CESEE Based on Levels Justified by Fundamentals – A Comparison Across Different Estimation Approaches (Mariarosaria Comunale, Markus Eller, Mathias Lahnsteiner)
  • Working Paper 228

    März 2020 Serial Correlation in Contingency Tables (Helmut Elsinger)









  • Working Paper 181

    November 2012 Foreign Currency Loans and Loan Arrears of Households in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Working Paper 180

    September 2012 Have Changes in the Financial Structure Affected Bank Profitability? Evidence for Austria
  • Working Paper 179

    August 2012 Increasing Life Expectancy and Pay-As-You-Go Pension Systems
  • Working Paper 178

    Juli 2012 Why Do People Save in Cash? Distrust, Memories of Banking Crises, Weak Institutions and Dollarization
  • Working Paper 177

    Jänner 2012 A structural interpretation of the impact of the great recession on the Austrian economy using an estimated DSGE model
  • Working Paper 176

    Jänner 2012 Multiple Imputation in the Austrian Household Survey on Housing Wealth





  • Working Paper 148

    September 2008 Comparing the New Keynesian Phillips Curve with Time Series Models to Forecast Inflation
  • Working Paper 147

    September 2008 Inequality and growth: Goal conflict or necessary prerequisite?
  • Working Paper 146

    September 2008 The Optimal Mix Between Funded and Unfunded Pensions System When People Care About Relative Consumption
  • Working Paper 145

    Juli 2008 Transmission of business cycle shocks between the US and the euro area
  • Working Paper 144

    Juni 2008 Dating and forecasting turning points by Bayesian clustering with dynamic structure: A suggestion with an application to Austrian data.
  • Working Paper 143

    Mai 2008 Risk-Premia, Carry-Trade Dynamics, and Speculative Efficiency of Currency Markets
  • Working Paper 142

    April 2008 Testing the tax competition theory: How elastic are national tax bases in Western Europe?
  • Working Paper 141

    April 2008 The Real Consequences of Financial Market Integration when Countries Are Heterogeneous
  • Working Paper 140

    März 2008 Euroization: What Factors drive its Persistence?
  • Working Paper 139

    Jänner 2008 Mr. Wicksell and the global economy: What drives real interest rates?


  • Working Paper 138

    Juli 2007 Real Convergence, Price Level Convergence and Inflation Differentials in Europe
  • Working Paper 137

    Mai 2007 Transmission of Business Cycle Shocks between Unequal Neighbours: Germany and Austria
  • Working Paper 136

    Mai 2007 The Relative Importance of Symmetric and Asymmetric Shocks: the Case of United Kingdom and Euro Area
  • Working Paper 135

    Mai 2007 Has the EU’s Single Market Programme Fostered Competition? Testing for a Decrease in Markup Rations in EU Industries



  • Working Paper 106

    November 2005 Equilibrium Exchange Rates in Transition Economies: Taking Stock of the Issues
  • Working Paper 105

    Oktober 2005 Trade Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries: Lessons from a Gravity Model
  • Working Paper 104

    September 2005 AQM – The Austrian Quarterly Model of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
  • Working Paper 103

    September 2005 Does Money Matter for Inflation in the Euro Area?
  • Working Paper 102

    August 2005 Estimates of the Open Economy New Keynesian Phillips Curve for Euro Area Countries
  • Working Paper 101

    Juli 2005 How Frequently Do Consumer Prices Change in Austria? Evidence from Micro CPI Data
  • Working Paper 100

    Juli 2005 The Price-Setting Behavior of Austrian Firms: Some Survey Evidence
  • Working Paper 99

    Mai 2005 The Effect of Capital Requirement Regulation on the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Austria
  • Working Paper 98

    Mai 2005 The European Monetary Union as a Commitment Device for New EU Member States
  • Working Paper 97

    Mai 2005 Financial Differences and Business Cycle Co-Movements in A Currency Area
  • Working Paper 96

    März 2005 Managerial Behavior and Cost/Profit Efficiency in the Banking Sectors of Central and Eastern European Countries
  • Working Paper 95

    Februar 2005 On the Design of Sustainable and Fair PAYG Pension Systems When Cohort Sizes Change
  • Working Paper 94

    Dezember 2004 What Do German Short-Term Interest Rates Tell Us About Future Inflation?



  • Working Paper 86

    September 2003 Testing for Longer Horizon Predictability of Return Volatility with an Application to the German
  • Working Paper 85

    Juli 2003 Investigating asymmetries in the bank lending channel. An analysis using Austrian banks’ balance sheet data.
  • Working Paper 84

    Juli 2003 Searching for the Natural Rate of Interest: a Euro-Area Perspective
  • Working Paper 83

    Juli 2003 The business cycle of European countries Bayesian clustering of country - individual IP growth series
  • Working Paper 82

    Juli 2003 How Do Debit Cards Affect Cash Demand? Survey Data Evidence
  • Working Paper 81

    Juni 2003 How Robust are Money Demand Estimations? A Meta-Analytic Approach




  • Working Paper 42

    Juni 2000 Integration, Disintegration and Trade in Europe: Evolution of Trade Relations During the 1990s
  • Working Paper 41

    März 2000 Is there a Credit Channel in Austria? The Impact of Monetary Policy on Firms' Investment Decisions
  • Working Paper 40

    März 2000 Central Banks in European Emerging Market Economies in the 1990s




  • Working Paper 24

    September 1997 Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy in Central Europe - a Survey of Some Issues



  • Working Paper 20

    Oktober 1995 Monetary Spill-over Effects in the ERM: The Case of Austria, a Former Shadow Member
  • Working Paper 19

    Jänner 1995 Austrian Exchange Rate Policy and European Monetary Integration - Selected Issues