Pirmin Fessler
Research Section
- applied microeconometrics
- financial stability
- survey methodology
- household finance
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Fessler, P., Weber, B. (2024). “Crypto Assets in Austria: An Assessment of their Prevalence and the Motives of their Holders”, OeNB Bulletin, Forthcoming
Albacete, N., Fessler, P., Pekanov, A. (2024). “The Role of MPC Heterogeneity for Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area”, OeNB Working Paper Series, WP 254, March 2024
Fessler, P., Schürz, M. (2024). “Privateigentum und Zugang zu Ressourcen: Wege zu einer egalitären Gesellschaft in Österreich” In: Österreichischer Sozialbericht 2024, p.278-344, Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz.
Ciaian, P., Cupák, A., Fessler, P., d’Artis, K. (2024). “Environmental and Social Attitudes and Investments in Crypto-Assets”. Applied Economics.
Bucher-Koenen, T., Fessler, P., Silgoner, M. (2023). “Households’ Financial Resilience, Risk Perceptions, and Financial Literacy – Evidence From a Survey Experiment”, ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-074, Mannheim.
Fessler. P., Rapp, S. (2023). “The subjective wealth distribution: How it arises and why it matters to inform policy?”. OeNB Working Paper Series, WP 249, October 2023.
Fessler, P., Lindner, P., Schürz, M. (2023). “Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2021: first results for Austria”. OeNB Reports, OeNB.
Fessler, P., Schürz, M. (2023). “Homeownership - a key narrative to explain wealth inequality?”. Chapter, in: Media and Inequality, Routledge, 2023.