Klaus Vondra

Business Cycle Analysis Section


  • business cycle analysis for Austria and the euro area
  • tourism sector developments in Austria
  • international trade and competitiveness
  • financial literacy

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Avdiu, K., Schreiner, J., Vondra, K. (2022). Russische Direktinvestitionen in Österreich im ersten Halbjahr 2022 auf historischem Höchststand, realwirtschaftliche Bedeutung aber gering. Statistik Sonderhefte, 27–33.

Fritzer, F., Ragacs, C., Reiss, L., Sellner, R., Salish, M., Stiglbauer, A., Vondra, K. (2022). Economic recovery dampened by war in Ukraine and inflation. Economic Outlook for Austria from 2022 to 2024, OeNB.

Glauninger, U., Url, T., Vondra, K. (2022). Exchange rate index update for Austria shows lower effective appreaciation than previously measured. Monetary Policy and the Economy Q4/2021, 13–41.