OeNB-EIB High-level meeting: Investment under hard budget constraints

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Various economic shocks in recent years have increased public debt levels. Many governments are currently trying to rein in their deficits and consolidate their budgets. However, contractionary fiscal policy negatively affects domestic demand and, in particular, investment spending, which are both key for long-term competitiveness. The EIB Investment Survey sheds light on the status of investment in Austria and Europe. Together with economic experts and business leaders, we will explore the effects of budgetary consolidation on investment in Austria and discuss ideas for more growth-friendly fiscal policies.

Monday, March 24, 2025 | Start: 10:00 | End: 12:30 CET

The event is planned both, online via Webex and onsite with limited attendance by invitation only at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Kassensaal, 1st floor.