Doris Prammer
Business Cycle Analysis SectionForschungsschwerpunkte
- tax policy
- fiscal governance
- inflation forecasting
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Prammer D., Reiss, L. (2022). Fighting (the effects of) inflation: government measures in Austria and the EU. Monetary Policy & the Economy Q4/22-Q1/23. OeNB.
Prammer D. (2021). Contributing author: Monetary-fiscal policy interaction in the euro area. ECB Strategy Review. Occasional Paper 273/September 2021.
Attinasi, MG., Prammer, D., Stähler, N., Tasso, M., and van Parys, S. (2019). Budget-Neutral Labour Tax Wedge Reductions: A Simulation-Based Analysis for Selected Euro Area Countries. International Journal of Central Banking 15/4.
Fatica, S., Prammer, D. (2018). Housing and the Tax System: How large are the Distortions in the Euro Area. Fiscal Studies 39/2.