Monetary Policy and the Economy Q4/20 – Q1/21

COVID-19 and the Austrian economy: selected issues
Monetary Policy and the Economy Q4/20 – Q1/21

März 2021

Die von den Autorinnen und Autoren in den Studien zum Ausdruck gebrachte Meinung gibt nicht notwendigerweise die Meinung der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank oder des Eurosystems wieder.

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    Studien und Analysen

    • Call for applications: Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarship (PDF, 44 kB)

    • Nontechnical summaries (in Englisch and German) (PDF, 116 kB)

    • Monitoring the economy in real time with the weekly OeNB GDP indicator: background, experience and outlook (PDF, 745 kB) Fenz, Stix.

    • Austrian tourism sector badly hit by COVID-19 pandemic (PDF, 1,1 MB) Fenz, Stix, Vondra.

    • Prices and inflation in Austria during the COVID-19 crisis – an analysis based on online price data (PDF, 313 kB) Beer, Rumler, Tölgyes.

    • Have mitigating measures helped prevent insolvencies in Austria amid the COVID-19 pandemic? (PDF, 1,8 MB) Puhr, Schneider.

    • How has COVID-19 affected the financial situation of households in Austria? (PDF, 845 kB) Albacete, Fessler, Kalleitner, Lindner.

    • The effects of the monetary policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic: preliminary evidence from a pilot study using Austrian bank-level data (PDF, 597 kB) Kwapil, Rieder.

    • Unprecedented fiscal (re)actions to ease the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria (PDF, 284 kB) Prammer.

    • Second wave of COVID-19 pandemic delays economic recovery. Economic outlook for Austria from 2020 to 2023 (December 2020) (PDF, 782 kB) Fenz, Schneider.