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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Corporate and household sectors in Austria: financing conditions remain favorable (PDF, 684 kB)

… corporations Chart 8 Source: OeNB, ECB, Eurostat, Kreditschutzverband von 1870. 1 Euro area: euro loans only. Austria Euro area % of total new lending % of total loans Number of insolvencies in % of …

Reforming the Global Reserve System (PDF, 695 kB)

… Supplement or Substitute for Other Means of Finance, in George M. von Furstenberg (ed.), International Money and Credit: The Policy Roles. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, chapter 7. Kenen …

Austrian Financial Intermediaries Perform Well despite Financial Market Turbulence (PDF, 375 kB)

… points to 2.84%. 13 Based on data provided by Kreditschutzverband von 1870. 14 The loan loss provision ratios refer to year-end fi gures. Using annual changes rules out distortions that could arise …