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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Race to the Top or Bottom? Corporate Governance, Freedom of Reincorporation and Competition in Law – Fluck, Mayer (PDF, 300 kB)

… governance regimes (Pagano and Volpin (2002a, 2002b), Perotti and Von Thadden (2002)) and on regulatory competition between legal regimes (Baysinger and But- ler (1985), Romano (1985, 2002, 2005a, 2005b …

Working Paper 39 (PDF, 155 kB)

… late 1980s and early 1990s Ireland had corporatist “tendencies” (von Prondzynski 1991). Authors like Lijphart and Crepaz (1991) classify Ireland’s system as “other” or “indeterminate.” For example, …

Working Paper 196 (PDF, 315 kB)

… for using cash, as discussed in Wakamori and Welte (2013) and von Kalckreuth, Schmidt, and Stix (2014). References ALVAREZ, F., L. GUISO, AND F. LIPPI (2012): “Durable Consumption and Asset Management …

Working Paper 210 (PDF, 1,2 MB)

… 75), 375–422. Becker, Sascha O., Peter H. Egger, and Maximilian von Ehrlich, “Going NUTS: The effect of EU Structural Funds on regional performance,” Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, October 2010 …

Stress Tests for the Austrian FSAP Update 2007: Methodology, Scenarios and Results (PDF, 296 kB)

… . 17 The underlying data were provided by the Kreditschutzverband von 1870. 18 These sectors were: basic industries, energy, fi nancial services, private households, and others. page Stress …