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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Working Paper 64 (PDF, 341 kB)

… valuable comments. He is also grateful to Eduard Hochreiter, Jürgen von Hagen and other participants of the conference "Monetary Union: Theory, EMU Experience, and Prospects for Latin America" on April …

Who puts our financial system at risk? A methodological approach to identify banks with potential significant negative effects on financial stability (PDF, 496 kB)

… hieß, systemrelevant war, vom Staat mit soundsovielen Hunderten von Millionen, bald Milliarden Dollars und Euro GERETTET werden musste…”1 Rainald Goetz: loslabern, Suhrkamp 2009 Judith Eidenberger …

ResearchUpdate-Q1-2010 (PDF, 333 kB)

… from German microdata”evidence from German microdata” Ulf von Kalckreuth, Tobias Schmidt und Helmut Stix ECB Working Paper No. 1144 und Deutsche Bundesbank Working Paper No. 36/2009 …

Conference on European Economic Integration (CEEI) 2019 – Looking back on 30 years of transition – and looking 30 years ahead (PDF, 172 kB)

… challenges of aging, labor migration and brain drain. Finally, President von der Leyen took office with a vision of a “geopolitical Commission” that redefines the EU position in the world. This includes defining …

How did EU Eastern enlargement affect migrant labor supply in Austria? (PDF, 523 kB)

… Research. Huber, P. and H. Brücker. 2003. Auswirkungen und Ausnutzung von Übergangsfristen für die Freizügigkeit der Arbeitskräfte nach der EU-Erweiterung. Vienna: WIFO – Austrian Institute for Economic …

Annex of Tables (PDF, 143 kB)

… 3,023 3,270 1,651 1,537 1,475 1,651 Source: Kreditschutzverband von 1870. Table A14 Selected Financial Ratios of the Manufacturing Sector 2004 2005 2006 2007 Median, % Self-financing and …