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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Borio – The financial cycle and macroeconomics: What have we learnt? (Paper) (PDF, 1,1 MB)

… distortions played a key role in the work of economists such as von Mises (1912) and Hayek (1933). 19 Some analyses do consider contracts set in nominal terms (eg, Diamond and Rajan (2006)). Moreover …

Demographic Fluctuations, Sustainability Factors and Intergenerational Fairness – An Assessment of Austria's New Pension System (PDF, 365 kB)

… versta‹ndigenrat, 2004, p. 302f) or the implicit tax rate (Thum and von Weizsa‹cker, 2000; Fenge and Werding, 2003). To date, no such studies have been published for Austria. Knell (2005a, 2005b) presents …

FDI, Trade and Growth in CESEE Countries (PDF, 3,3 MB)

… negative effects than it was for other emerging market regions (von Hagen and Siedschlag, 2008). This was partly because a relatively large share of capital inflows was FDI, which is seen as less volatile …

Working Paper 66 (PDF, 315 kB)

… central and local government influences budget setting , see eg von Hagen and Harden (1994). 4 Exceptions include Debelle and Fischer (1993),Beetsma and Uhlig (1997), Beetsma and Jensen (1999), Begg …