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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Glossary (PDF, 112 kB)

… Nichtfinanzielle Sektorkonten – Jahresrechnung: Dokumentation von Statistik Austria (German-language documentation on nonfinancial sector accounts issued by Statistics Austria) …

Borio – The financial cycle and macroeconomics: What have we learnt? (Paper) (PDF, 1,1 MB)

… distortions played a key role in the work of economists such as von Mises (1912) and Hayek (1933). 19 Some analyses do consider contracts set in nominal terms (eg, Diamond and Rajan (2006)). Moreover …

The finance-growth nexus and financial sector environment: new evidence from Southeast Europe – Mehl, Vespro, Winkler (PDF, 230 kB)

… On this see various contributions in Matthäus-Maier, I. and J.D. von Pischke (2004, 2005). 24 A substantial part of the improvement in credit quality, e.g. in Albania and Romania, also reflects the …