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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Working Paper 141 (PDF, 773 kB)

… liberalization during the adjustment process after opening up. Whereas von Hagen and Zhang (2006) identify unequal welfare implications to different domestic agents in a small open economy. In order to smooth …

Refugees from Ukraine: Status, location and potential labor market impact (PDF, 318 kB)

… Flüchtlingswellen Europas seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus. Innerhalb von drei Monaten haben rund 7,3 Millionen Menschen die Ukraine in Richtung eines ihrer Nachbarländer verlassen (nicht-konsolidierte Zahlen …

Key financial indicators (PDF, 565 kB)

… 5,079 4,980 5,018 3,034 3,034 4,775 Source: Kreditschutzverband von 1870. Table A9 Housing market indicators 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Residential property price index (2000 …

Notes (PDF, 298 kB)

… Austrian Supervisors and Supervised Entities Dieter Huber, Elisabeth von Pföstl Household Vulnerability in Austria – A Microeconomic Analysis Based on the Household Finance and Consumption Survey Nicolás …

Martin Bartenstein – Opening Address (PDF, 173 kB)

… more of the Austrian school of national economics as propagated by von Hayek. Austria has been doing the necessary homework so far. Governor Liebscher confirmed this, and added that there is more to be …