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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Working Paper 230 (PDF, 663 kB)

… of anonymity, budget monitoring or habit (e.g. Kahn et al. 2005, von Kalckreuth et al. 2014). Thus, we expect significant heterogeneity in the effect of the introduction of contactless cards on …

Working Paper 94 (PDF, 1,7 MB)

… Bundesbank has adopted a monetary aggregate targeting in October 1974. Von Hagen (1998) charac- terized the period until 1978 as experimental, since the announced targets were regularly missed. 8 …

Fidrmuc, Martin – Capital Inflows, Exports, and Growth in the CESEE Region (Paper) (PDF, 275 kB)

… possible negative effects than it was for other emerging market regions (von Hagen and Siedschlag, 2008). This was partly because a relatively large share of capital inflows was FDI, which is seen as …

EU and EMU Entry: A Monetary Policy Regime Change for Austria? (PDF, 363 kB)

… Krisentheorien und Krisenpolitik in O‹ sterreich. Einige Anmerkungen zur Rolle von Staat, Markt und Verba‹nden. In: Nautz, J. und E. Brix (Hrsg.). Zwischen Wettbewerb und Protektion. Zur Rolle staatlicher Macht …