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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Struktur und Risiken von Fremdwährungskrediten in Österreich (PDF, 915 kB)

… 25Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:docinfo:title Struktur und Risiken von Fremdwährungskrediten in Österreich stream_content_type pdf:hasXFA false access_permission:modify_annotations true access_permission …

Working Paper 90 (PDF, 660 kB)

… firm-level data. Vermeulen (2002), Chatelain et al. (2003) and von Kalckreuth (2003) show that internal funds are significant determinants of investment in Germany. Similar evidence for the …

Welcome Remarks (PDF, 94 kB)

… the opposing laissez-faire camp of classical liberals, like Ludwig von Mises. Most scholars in the 1950s and 1960s understood neoliberalism as referring to social market economy and its principal economic …

How to increase fiscal stabilization at the euro area level? (PDF, 520 kB)

… with joint and several liability include Blue Bonds (Delpla and von Weizsäcker, 2011) and “Eurobills” (Philippon and Hellwig, 2011). In both cases, only a part of government debt (60% of GDP for “Blue …