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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Research-Update-Q4-12 (PDF, 253 kB)

… Shadow Banking, and Bank Regulation. November 19, 2012 Vortrag von Dr. Thomas Wieser im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der Österreichischen Statistischen Gesellschaft (OSG) page Q4/12 OeNB Research …

Hans-Helmut Kotz – SSM and ECB: Supra-Nationalization of Banking Politics (PDF, 480 kB)

… Comparative Advantage. Oxford University Press. Huber, D. and E. von Pföstl. 2013. The Single Supervisory Mechanism within the Banking Union – Novel Features and Implications for Austrian Supervisors …

Financial Crisis Hits the Real Economy (PDF, 177 kB)

… 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 Source: Kreditschutzverband von 1870, OeNB. Default frequency (number of insolvencies as a percentage of companies; left-hand scale) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 …

Eröffnungsstatement (PDF, 90 kB)

… weak global demand for final goods. page Page 2 von 2 The pandemic itself is a tail event, with enormous short- to medium-term implications for global growth and trade. But we would …

Working Paper 127 (PDF, 582 kB)

… case for monetary internationalism was made very forcefully by von Hayek in the 1930s, which was the great age of monetary nationalism as well as of strikingly bad policies. Hayek reached the …