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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

How Central and Eastern European Countries Choose Exchange Rate Regimes (PDF, 244 kB)

… OCA theory characteristics. Finally, this problem was examined by von Hagen and Zhou (2002). They developed an empirical model of the exchange rate regime choice of a group of 25 transition economies …

38th Economics Conference of the OeNB – Opening Remarks (PDF, 237 kB)

… Secretary General of the Austro-Hungarian National Bank, Wilhelm von Lucam, to the Hungarian Parliament. Lucam was a widely regarded expert in economic and monetary matters. In late 1869, the Hungarian …

The Role of Bank Lending in Market-Based and Bank-Based Financial Systems (PDF, 151 kB)

… Wesche (2000); Germany: Vermeulen (2002), Chatelain et al. (2003) and von Kalckreuth (2003); the Netherlands: van Ees and Garretsen (1994) and van Ees et al. (1999); the United Kingdom: Guariglia (1999) and …

CESEE-Related Activities of the OeNB’s Economic Analysis and Research Department (PDF, 167 kB)

… Growth in Eastern Europe: Policy Issues for the Medium Term Bericht von der IIASA-Konferenz “Output Decline in Eastern Europe – Prospects for Recovery?” Bericht von der WIIW-Konferenz “Transformation of …

Cash and card payments – recent results of the Austrian payment diary survey (PDF, 435 kB)

… e.g., Arango, Huynh and Sabetti, 2015; Schuh and Stavins, 2010; von Kalckreuth, Schmidt and Stix, 2014). How preferences are formed in turn depends on many unobserved factors: Relevant factors include …