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Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche "Kreditnachfrage von Unternehmen"

Current account imbalances in the euro area – recent trends (PDF, 182 kB)

… Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 45(2). Schmitz, B. and J. von Hagen. 2011. Current Account Imbalances and Financial Integration in the Euro Area. Journal of International Money and Finance 30( …

Karl Aiginger – Strengthening the Resilience of an Economy (PDF, 286 kB)

… /2003. Hahn, F. R. 2008. Internationale Bankenkrise und die Rolle von Finanzaufsicht und Finanz- innovationen. WIFO- Monatsberichte 8/2008. Hellwig, M. 2008. Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: An …

Financial Stability Arrangements in Europe: A Review (PDF, 113 kB)

… and DeLong (2002), Manna (2004). 5 See e.g. Danthine, Giavazzi and von Thadden (2000) and Hartmann, Manna and Manzanares (2001). 6 See Danthine, Giavazzi, Vives and von Thadden (1999). 7 Dermine ( …

Does Interbank Borrowing Reduce Bank Risk? – Dinger, von Hagen (PDF, 303 kB)

… org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser creator Dinger creator von Hagen meta:author Dinger meta:author von Hagen pdf:producer Acrobat Distiller 5.0 (Windows) meta:creation-date 2005-10- …