The OeNB during the Nazi Era
The study “Reichsbank Offices 1938–1945 in Focus: The Vienna Reichsbank Head Office” researches the history of the OeNB in the years leading up to Austria’s Anschluss and under the National Socialist regime.

Reichsbank Offices 1938–1945 in Focus: The Vienna Reichsbank Head Office (2013)
The Oesterreichische Nationalbank commissioned a team of historians led by Professor Oliver Rathkolb and Theodor Venus to research the history of the OeNB in the years leading up to Austria’s Anschluss in 1938 and under the National Socialist regime. The team’s findings have now been published (in German, with an English summary) as a study entitled “Reichsbank Offices 1938–1945 in Focus: The Vienna Reichsbank Head Office (2013).”