Euro cash platform

The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) supports freedom of choice in payments. As a central bank, we work to ensure that euro cash continues to play a fundamental role in the payments landscape and remains available as public money also in the future.

Technological progress and the emergence of new players in digital payments have accelerated the trend toward noncash payments, creating new challenges for the future of cash and cash use. This means that all stakeholders will have to cooperate more closely on and across different levels.

To facilitate enhanced cooperation, the OeNB established a euro cash platform in September 2022. Headed by Matthias Schroth, Director of the OeNB’s Cash Management, Equity Interests and Internal Services Department, the platform brings together representatives of the general public and business to explore ways for creating attractive framework conditions that support and ensure the future use of euro cash in Austria.

The platform's key objectives are

  • to ensure a comprehensive flow of information between stakeholders;
  • to strengthen and secure the position of euro cash in Austria against the backdrop of cash being the only non-profit oriented means of payment in an increasingly digital payment space;
  • to involve the people living in Austria, which we consider crucial especially in light of advancing digitalization.

We welcome questions and feedback. Please get in touch at or

Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Otto Wagner-Platz 3
1090 Vienna