Integrated Reporting Data Model
The Integrated Reporting Data Model (“Basic Cube”) serves to link up data points on individual business cases and corresponding data attributes to create a multidimensional data matrix. The idea is to enable banks to create and submit any report legally required (under the Austrian Banking Act, the Foreign Exchange Act, ECB regulations, EBA Implementing Technical Standards, etc.) in a consistent manner by using this data cube.
The documentation (only available in German) has been jointly drawn up by banks and the OeNB on a best efforts basis but is not legally binding. The latest published version can be found in the Meldewesen Daten- und Informationsmodell (MDI). The current working version of the data model documentation can be found in the OeNB-Portal under "Meldewesen Daten- und Informationsmodell".
In case of questions please contact the OeNB SCoM-Team.