Keeping the general public in Austria informed about the Eurosystem's monetary policy decisions is one of the OeNB's key tasks. The activities and measures aimed at strengthening people's trust in the euro and the work of the European Central Bank (ECB) are launched through a number of different channels.
Topical issues are communicated to journalists via regular briefings, press releases and press conferences. In addition, members of the Governing Board give interviews to international media representatives. The OeNB also forwards the ECB’s press releases to the media in Austria. Finally, the OeNB also holds seminars for young journalists about the basics of the Eurosystem's monetary policy. See Media for further details.
Advertisements and information material
The OeNB places advertisements in Austria's national newspapers and magazines. These ads on monetary policy issues contribute to building confidence and keeping the public informed. The central issues in the OeNB's information campaigns are the euro, payments and price stability. Click here to learn more about the OeNB's most recent information activities.
The OeNB also produces and widely distributes leaflets, posters, brochures and DVDs on central banking issues to complement the information provided through the media. These products are addressed to the general public and experts from the financial industry and other backgrounds.
Events and lectures
About 30,000 people a year attend events, such as lectures, organized by the OeNB and its branch offices to learn more about a broad range of central banking-related issues. Organized visits to the OeNB provide insights into the tasks of the OeNB. Also, the OeNB has information stalls at relevant trade fairs in Austria.
Seminars, workshops and lectures are organized for financial sector experts and a general audience with an interest in central banking-related topics.
A wide range of learning and teaching resources about money and its functions and other monetary issues specially developed for different age groups and teachers are another cornerstone of the OeNB's communications activities. The Financial Literacy websites contain comprehensive information about teaching materials, workshops, guided tours and other activities.
Answers to individual queries
The OeNB answers thousands of individual queries a year that are submitted by telephone, mail and e-mail.