External sector
In this section we provide information on Austria´s balance of payments (including current account data) and International Investment Position; international trade in services; exports and imports of services (excluding travel); Austrian direct investment stocks and flows (broken down by industries, regions and employment); data on foreign trade in goods; tourism receipts and expenditures as well as statistics on overnight stays by tourists in Austria.
Benchmark revision in September 2024
In September 2024, the external sector statistics and financial accounts data will undergo a coordinated “benchmark revision”, as agreed at European level. This data revision includes both systematic adjustments, such as more precise sector breakdowns and improved estimation models, as well as corrections to individual transactions that were subsequently brought to the OeNB's attention.
In the foreign trade statistics, the data will be revised from 2013 onwards and published on the OeNB website on September 30, 2024. In the financial accounts, the data will be revised back to 1995 and published on the OeNB website on October 8, 2024. The revision of the data is made in close coordination with Statistics Austria, which revises its national accounts data back to 1995.
More Information on this can be found under the following link:
Eurostat: Data revision - Eurostat (europa.eu)