EUR 2 commemorative coins 2018

Subject of commemoration: 25th anniversary of the Andorran Constitution
Description of the design: The design depicts the ‘Monument to the Men and Women of Andorra who launched the Constitution’, which stands in the square of the Consell General (Andorra’s Parliament). This monument shows the silhouettes of a man and a woman and commemorates the will expressed by the Andorran citizenry, in the referendum held on 14 March 1993, to become a constitutional state, democratic and social, as expressed in article 1 of the Constitution. To the right of the monument there is the map of Andorra with the Latin inscription ‘VIRTVS VNITA FORTIOR’ (virtue united is stronger) inside, which is the state motto of the Principality of Andorra. Surrounding the design there are the inscriptions ‘25è ANIVERSARI DE LA CONSTITUCIÓ 1993-2018’ (25th anniversary of the Constitution 1993-2018) and the name of the country ‘ANDORRA’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 75 000
Date of issue: First trimester of 2018

Subject of commemoration: 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Description of the design: The design of the coin depicts seven staircases (representing the seven parishes or administrative divisions of Andorra) in the shape of mountains that lead to the valley, where there is the name of the issuing country ‘ANDORRA’ and the year of issue ‘2018’. These staircases are, at the same time, the branches of a tree symbolizing humankind, of which Andorra is an integral part. 30 leaves come out of the branches of this tree representing the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Catalan inscription ‘70 ANYS DE LA DECLARACIÓ UNIVERSAL DELS DRETS HUMANS’ (70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) surrounds the design, strengthening this commemorative event.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 75 000
Date of issue: September/October 2018

Subject of commemoration: 100 years of the Austrian Republic.
Description of the design: The design depicts the statue of Pallas Athena in front of the Greek-style building of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna. The goddess of wisdom serves as a symbol of the Austrian parliamentarism and stands for knowledge, reason and strategic talent. At the left side is the year ‘2018’ and underneath the text ‘100 JAHRE’ (100 YEARS). The text ‘REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH’ (AUSTRIAN REPUBLIC) is inscribed at the bottom right in semi-circle.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 18 100 100
Date of issue: January 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 50th anniversary of May 1968 events in Belgium
Description of the design: The design represents students with a pamphlet and flag in their hands and refers to student demonstrations that took place in Belgium in connection with the sociocultural changes of May 1968. It was an important national event that shaped Belgium’s national politics and influenced subsequent Government reforms, now 50 years ago. The mintmark of Utrecht (the Mercury’s wand) is located on the left together with the Belgian mint master mark (the coat of arms of the municipality Herzele). The year mark 2018 and the country code BE are located at the left as well, just like the initials LL of the designer of the coin, Mr Luc Luycx. An auditorium marks the back, which is a reference to students.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 260 000 coins
Date of issue: May/June 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 50th anniversary of the ESRO 2B satellite
Description of the design: The design shows the ESRO 2B satellite, the first successful satellite of the European Space Research Organization and launched in May 1968, circling around planet Earth. The ESRO 2B, also renamed as ‘IRIS’ (International Radiation Investigation Satellite) once in orbit, was concentrated on solar X-rays, cosmic radiation and Earth’s radiation belts.
The mintmark of Utrecht (the Mercury’s wand) is located on the bottom together with the Belgian mint master mark, the coat of arms of the municipality Herzele, the country code BE and the initials LL referring to the designer of the coin, Mr Luc Luycx.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 260 000 coins
Date of issue: October 2018

Subject of commemoration: The centennial of the independence of Estonia
Description of the design: The design depicts simultaneously the numbers 18 and 100, which symbolize the time when Estonia became an independent country and furthermore reflect the past hundred years. At the bottom right is the text ‘SADA AASTAT EESTI VABARIIKI’ and next to it the name of the country ‘EESTI’ and the year of issuance ‘2018’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 1 317 800
Date of issue: January/February 2018

Subject of commemoration: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will jointly issue a commemorative euro coin with a common design in 2018, celebrating the establishment of the States of Estonia and Latvia and the re-establishment of the State of Lithuania.
Description of the design: The three Baltic States are symbolically represented as a braid. They are united by their history: a common past, present and future. A stylised numeral representing the 100th anniversary, and the heraldic signs of all three States, are featured as well. At the left side is the name of the issuing country ‘EESTI’ and at the right side is the year of issuance ‘2018’. The design was selected by public voting in all three Baltic countries. The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 500 000
Date of issue: First quarter of 2018

Subject of commemoration: Finnish national landscape Koli
Description of the design: The design shows a drawing from the top of the Finnish national landscape Koli. The year of issuance ‘2018’ is placed at the center bottom. The indication of the issuing country ‘FI’ is at the center left and the mint mark at the center right.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 1 000 000
Date of issue: April/May 2018

Subject of commemoration: Finnish sauna culture
Description of the design: The design shows a Finnish landscape with a typical Finnish lakeside sauna placed in the centre. The year of issuance ‘2018’ is placed at the centre bottom. The indication of the issuing country ‘FI’ is at the centre left and the mint mark at the centre right.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 1 000 000
Date of issue: October 2018

Subject of commemoration: Simone Veil
Description of the design: The design displays a portrait of Simone Veil, an icon in the combat for women’s rights. Simone Veil, born Jacob, left us in June 2017 at the age of 89. After surviving deportation to Auschwitz, she went on to become one of the most important actors in Europe’s building. She was the first elected president of the European Parliament from 1979 to 1982. She symbolizes the depenalization of abortion she fought for with the law bearing her name voted in 1975. In 2008, she is elected at the French Academy. Her deportation registration number appears on her collar. The background depicts the European Parliament on which her name, key dates, indication of the country ‘RF’, year of issuance ‘2018’ and the mintmarks are inscribed.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 15 million coins
Date of issue: May/June 2018

Subject of commemoration: Remembrance cornflower (Bleuet de France)
Description of the design: For 100 years, the cornflower (Bleuet de France) has been the flower of remembrance and solidarity in France. It started as a means of helping injured veterans of the First World War, but before long had been adopted by the whole French nation as a symbol of gratitude for the sacrifices the soldiers had made to defend their country and their ideals. Today, as in the past, the cornflower still provides moral and financial support to veterans and victims of wars past and present and to victims of terrorism. It also helps pass on to young people standards and values such as respect, peace and tolerance. This flower of remembrance honors all those who fought and are still fighting for our freedom today. The design features the cornflower in the centre of the coin. It is surrounded by the words ‘Le Bleuet de France, fleur de mémoire et de solidarité’ (Bleuet of France, flower of remembrance and solidarity). The dates ‘1918-2018’ as well as the letters RF for République Française (French Republic) and the mint marks are also included in the design. The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 15 million coins
Date of issue: 31 January 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 100th birthday anniversary of the great German statesman and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015)
Description of the design: The design portrays Helmut Schmidt in a characteristic pose as he engages in dialogue with his interlocutor. In semi-circle at the top right the inscription ‘HELMUT SCHMIDT’ and at the right side the years ‘1918-2015’. The mint mark of the respective mint appears underneath the years. At the left side is the code of the issuing country ‘D’ and underneath is the year of issuance ‘2018’.
At the bottom there are the initials of the artist.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 30 000 000
Date of issue: January/February 2018

Subject of commemoration: Berlin (‘Federal States’ (Bundesländer) series)
Description of the design: The design shows the main building of the Charlottenburg Palace from the side of the Cour d' Honneur. The inner part also features the name ‘BERLIN’ and the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’) at the bottom, the issuing country's country code ‘D’ right at the top, the year ‘2018’ left at the top and the engraver's mark left at the bottom.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 30 000 000
Date of issue: January 30, 2018

Subject of commemoration: 70 years since the union of the Dodecanese with Greece
Description of the design: The design features in the central part a rose, the canting badge of Rhodes, inspired from a coin minted by the ancient city of Rhodes, one of the most characteristic coins of the Dodecanese, with stylised waves fanning out from the centre. Inscribed along the inner edge is the wording ‘1948-2018 THE UNION OF THE DODECANESE WITH GREECE’ and ‘HELLENIC REPUBLIC’ (in Greek). Also visible at left is a palmette (the mintmark of the Greek mint) and,
at right, the monogram of the artist (George Stamatopoulos).
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 750 000
Date of issue: Middle of 2018

Subject of commemoration: Kostis Palamas – 75 years in memoriam
Description of the design: The design features a portrait of the Greek poet Kostis Palamas (1859-1943). Inscribed along the inner edge at left is the wording ‘HELLENIC REPUBLIC’ and the name ‘KOSTIS PALAMAS’ (in Greek). Also inscribed is a palmette (the mintmark of the Greek Mint) and the year of issuance ‘2018’. Visible at the lower right is the monogram of the artist (George Stamatopoulos).
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 750 000
Date of issue: Middle of 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 70th Anniversary of the Coming into Force of the Italian Constitution
Description of the design: Enrico De Nicola, provisional Head of State, signs the act of promulgation of the Constitution of the Italian Republic on December 27, 1947; on his right, the Head of Government Alcide De Gasperi, on the left, Umberto Terracini, President of the Italian Constituent Assembly. Above, the inscription ‘COSTITUZIONE’ and the monogram of the Italian Republic ‘RI’; in exergue, the inscription ‘CON SICURA COSCIENZA’, ‘R’, the mintmark of the Mint of Rome, and the dates ‘1948 • 2018’,
respectively year of the coming into force of the Italian Constitution and year of the issue of the coin.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 4 million
Date of issue: January 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the Italian Ministry of Health
Description of the design: The design shows an allegorical representation of Health with some symbols of the activities of the Ministry: Environment, Research, Nutrition and Medicine. On the left the logo ‘RI’, acronym of the Italian Republic; above the mintmark of the Mint of Rome ‘R’; at the base of the female figure the initials of the author Silvia Petrassi. From left to right, in semi-circle, the inscription ‘MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE’ and the dates ‘1958-2018’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 3 000 000
Date of issue: March 2018

Subject of commemoration: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will jointly issue a commemorative euro coin with a common design in 2018, celebrating the establishment of the States of Estonia and Latvia and the re-establishment of the State of Lithuania
Description of the design: The three baltic States are symbolically represented as a braid. They are united by their history: a common past, present and future. A stylized numeral representing the 100th anniversary, and the heraldic signs of all three States, are featured as well. At the left side is the name of the issuing country ‘LATVIJA’ and at the right side is the year of
issuance ‘2018’. The design was selected by public voting in all three Baltic countries.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 512 000
Date of issue: first quarter of 2018

Subject of commemoration: Zemgale
Description of the design: The design shows the coat of arms of the region of Zemgale. At the top, the name of the issuing country ‘LATVIJA’ and at the bottom the inscription ‘ZEMGALE’. At the right hand side, the year of issuance ‘2018’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 512 000
Date of issue: Second half of 2018

Subject of commemoration: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will jointly issue a commemorative euro coin with a common design in 2018, celebrating the establishment of the States of Estonia and Latvia and the re-establishment of the State of Lithuania
Description of the design: the three Baltic States are symbolically represented as a braid. They are united by their history: a common past, present and future. A stylised numeral representing the 100th anniversary, and the heraldic signs of all three States, are featured as well. At the left side is the name of the issuing country ‘LIETUVA’ and the mint mark and at the right side is the year of issuance ‘2018’ and the mark of the designer ‘JP’. The design was selected by public voting in all three Baltic countries.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 1 000 000
Date of issue: first quarter of 2018

Subject of commemoration: Lithuanian Song and Dance celebration (inscribed on the Unesco Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity)
Description of the design: The design features stylised figures of people and birds, typical of one of the Lithuanian folk art genres — paper cuttings, symbolic of folk dance and song. The inscription of the issuing country ‘LIETUVA’ is at the center bottom, the year of issuance ‘2018’ is at the left hand side and the mark of the Lithuanian Mint is at the right hand side.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 500 000
Date of issue: Second quarter of 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 150th anniversary of the Luxembourg Constitution
Description of the design: The design shows on the left hand the effigy of His Royal Highness, the Grand-Duke Henri, looking to the right. At the right hand of the design are depicted the year-dates ‘1868-2018’ as well as the text ‘150 ans’. Below the effigy of the Grand-Duke appear the text ‘Constitution du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg’ and a lateral cut view of an open booklet.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 500 000
Date of issue: January 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 175th anniversary of the death of the Grand Duke Guillaume Ist
Description of the design: The design shows on the right hand the effigy of His Royal Highness, the Grand Duke Henri, looking to the left and on the left hand the effigy of HRH the Grand Duke Guillaume Ist. Between both effigies are depicted vertically the year-dates ‘1772-1843’ as well as the name ‘Guillaume Ier’. At the bottom appears the text ‘LUXEMBOURG’ and the year-date ‘2018’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 500 000
Date of issue: September 2018

Subject of commemoration: Cultural Heritage
Description of the design: The design was created by a school student and depicts a variety of themes intrinsic to Maltese heritage including: an allusion to the prehistoric temples, which are the world’s oldest free-standing structures, a church dome and spire, which is a characteristic feature of the Maltese town and village skyline and a representation of a traditional Maltese boat carrying a Maltese flag. The name of the issuing country ‘Malta’ is at the top of the inner circle of the coin and the year ‘2018’ at the bottom.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 320 000
Date of issue: November 2018

Subject of commemoration: François Joseph Bosio
Description of the design: The design shows Mr BOSIO and a statue as the background image. The inscription ‘MONACO’ is at the top of the image in semi-circle. At the bottom, in semi-circle as well, there are two inscriptions: ‘FRANÇOIS JOSEPH BOSIO’ and underneath ‘1768 – SCULPTEUR - 2018’. At the left and right sides of these two inscriptions, there are the mintmark and the mint master mark.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 16 000
Date of issue: June 1 2018

Subject of commemoration: 250 years of the Ajuda Botanical Garden (‘Jardim Botânico da Ajuda’)
Description of the design: The design shows a very old Dracaena tree that is in the Ajuda Botanical Garden premises and is a symbol of the garden. The Ajuda Botanical Garden is a Technological Support Unit of the Agronomy University. It plays the role of an infrastructure for education and research but is also open to the public. It was the first botanical garden in Portugal projected to preserve, study and collect the most numerous possible species from the plant world. At the top of the design, from left to right, in semi-circle, there is the inscription ‘250 ANOS JARDIM BOTÂNICO DA AJUDA’. At the bottom, from left to right, in semi-circle, there is the inscription ‘PORTUGAL 2018’. Right underneath the image of the trees, at the left side, there are the initials of the artist ‘J. FAZENDA’ and at the right side the mintmark ‘INCM’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 520 000
Date of issue: Second half of 2018

Subject of commemoration: 250 years of the Official Printing Works (‘Imprensa Nacional’)
Description of the design: The design displays the inscription ‘1768-2018 IMPRENSA NACIONAL DUZENTOS E CINQUENTA 250 ANOS PORTUGAL MMXVIII’ as if the letters and numbers were books displayed in a library. At the bottom of the inner ring there is the name of the artist ‘Eduardo Aires’ at the left side and the mintmark ‘INCM’ at the right side. The Official Printing Works are responsible with the publication of the Portuguese Official Journal containing all the legislative activity of the country, books of the highest cultural relevance, and other cultural activities.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Estimated number of coins to be issued: 520 000
Date of issue: Second half of 2018
San Marino

Subject of commemoration: 500th anniversary of the birth of Tintoretto
Description of the design: The centre of the coin depicts a detail from Tintoretto’s painting ‘The Visitation’ (the embrace between the Virgin Mary and Elizabeth), and the dates ‘1518-2018’; at the edge: ‘SAN MARINO’ written above, and ‘Tintoretto’ below; on the left are the initials of the artist Luciana de Simoni ‘LDS’ and the letter ‘R’ identifying the Mint of Rome.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 60 500
Date of issue: April 2018
San Marino

Subject of commemoration: 420th anniversary of the birth of Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Description of the design: The centre of the coin features a detail from Bernini’s sculpture ‘Bust of Costanza Bonarelli’, and the dates ‘1598-2018’; at the edge, on the left is the inscription ‘SAN MARINO’, on the right the inscription ‘BERNINI’, the letter ‘R’ identifying the Mint of Rome and the initials of the artist Annalisa Masini ‘A.M.’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 60 500
Date of issue: September 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic
Description of the design: The design symbolises Slovakia’s entry into the European Union and the euro area by showing a stylised portal arching over both a map of Slovakia and a euro symbol surrounded by the European Union stars, some covered by the map. The Slovak coat of arms appears on the left of the design. At the lower left side, in semi-circle is the name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA’. The date of the country’s establishment ‘1.1.1993’ and the year of issuance ‘2018’ appear, one above the other, below the right side of the map. Between the map and the date are the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the initials ‘MK’ placed between two dies, and the stylised letters ‘PK’, the initials of the designer, Pavel Károly.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 1 000 000
Date of issue: January 2018

Subject of commemoration: Slovenia World Day of Bees
Description of the design: In the middle of the inner ring of the coin is the image of honeycomb in a form of a globe, which shows the eastern hemisphere. Around the honeycomb on the left upper side is the inscription ‘SVETOVNI DAN ČEBEL’, and on the lower right side the inscription ‘SLOVENIJA 2018’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 1 000 000
Date of issue: Second quarter 2018

Subject of commemoration: The 50th anniversary of King FELIPE VI
Description of the design: The design reproduces King Felipe VI’s coat of arms. On the left hand side, in semi-circle, is the word ‘ESPAÑA’ and below the year of issuance 2018. At the bottom right, in semi-circle, is the inscription ‘50 ANIVERSARIO DE S.M. FELIPE VI’. The mint mark is represented at the top right.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 400 000
Date of issue: 1 February 2018

Subject of commemoration: UNESCO's World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites - Santiago
Description of the design: The City of Santiago de Compostela was declared World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1985, considering its urban beauty and monumental integrity added to the deep echoes of its spiritual and cultural significance of the Middle Ages: the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage. The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) is a large network of ancient pilgrim routes stretching across Europe and coming together at the tomb of St. James in Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain. The design reproduces the sculpture of Santiago as a central figure in the canvas of the Puerta Santa of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. On the left hand side, in semi-circle, is the word “ESPAÑA”, at the bottom left the year of issuance “2018” and underneath the mint mark.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 300 000
Date of issue: 1 February 2018

Subject of commemoration: European Year of Cultural Heritage — The Laocoön group
Description of the design: The design features the Statue of Laocoön and His Sons, also called the Laocoön Group, a fundamental work of the world sculpture, foundational for the Vatican Museums. At the center bottom, the inscription of the issuing country ‘Città del VATICANO’. From left to right, in semi-circle, the inscription ‘ANNO EUROPEO DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE’. At the top right the year of issuance ‘2018’ and the mintmark ‘R’. At the bottom right the name
of the artist ‘D. LONGO’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 101 000
Date of issue: 31 May 2018

Subject of commemoration: 50th Anniversary of the death of Padre Pio
Description of the design: The design features the right profile of a portrait of Padre Pio. At the top, from left to right, in semi-circle is the inscription of the issuing country ‘CITTÀ DEL VATICANO’. At the bottom is the inscription ‘Padre Pio’ and at its right the mint mark ‘R’. At the left hand of the design is the year ‘1968’ and at the right is the year of issuance ‘2018’. At the bottom left is the name of the artist ‘P.DANIELE’.
The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Number of coins to be issued: 101 000
Date of issue: 4 October 2018