Debt securities issued by nonfinancial corporations
Publication schedule
Tables contain the debt securities of each issuing sector on a “from-whom-to-whom” basis for all economic sectors as creditors. The table contain stocks, flows and revaluations. The counterpart sector are: total economy, nonfinancial corporations, households, non-profit institutions serving households, financial corporations, monetary financial institutions, Non-MMF investment funds, other non-monetary financial institutions, insurance corporations , pension funds, government and rest of the world in the case of domestic debtors.
ESA 2010, financial accounts, stocks, flows
EU-Regulation 549/2013
complete inventory counts derived from primary statistics, balance sheet data, own calculations and estimations
OeNB, Financial Market Authority, Statistics Austria
Economic sectors, financial instruments
ESA 2010, national accounts, financial accounts, stocks, flows, net position, net lending/net borrowing, total economy, nonfinancial corporations, households, non-profit institutions serving households, financial corporations, monetary financial institutions, Non-MMF investment funds, other non-monetary financial institutions, insurance corporations , pension funds, government and rest of the world in the case of domestic debtors, debt securities