SDDS Plus – sectoral balance sheets
by institutional sector (for financial assets and liabilities)
Publication schedule
Tables contain both financial assets and liabilities of the total economy, non-financial corporations, financial corporations, central bank, other depository-taking corporations, money market funds, insurance corporations and pension funds other financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, rest of the world broken down by monetary gold and special drawing rights, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, equity and investment shares, insurance, pensions and standardizes guarantee schemes, financial derivates and employee stock options, other accounts receiveable/payable.
OeNB, Statistics Austria.
ESA 2010, financial accounts, stocks.
EU-Regulation 549/2013.
Complete inventory counts derived from primary statistics, balance sheet data, own calculations and estimations.
OeNB, Financial Market Authority, Statistics Austria.
Economic sectors, financial instruments.
ESA 2010, national accounts, financial accounts, stocks, monetary gold, SDR, currency, deposits, loans, trade credits, debt securities, listed shares, unlisted shares, investment fund shares, life insurance technical reserves, non-life insurance technical reserves, pension entitlements, and other financial assets/liabilities (including financial derivatives), SDDS Plus.