Domestic long-term debt securities – total
Publication schedule
This table shows domestic long-term debt securities acquired by foreign holders (Portfolio Investment Liabilities). The data are broken down by domestic issuer sector and are available for stocks, transactions, exchange rates and price effects. The sector structure is in accordance with BPM6 and ESA 2010. The sector “Monetary Financial Institutes” includes deposit taking corporations, the central bank, and money market funds. The sector “General Government” includes central government, state government, local government, and social security funds.
Portfolio Investments, Financial Account, domestic long-term debt securities.
National law: Article 44 Nationalbank Act, Exchange Control Act 2004; International law: SDDS and articles of agreements of IMF, ECB-Guideline, EU-regulations.
Security-by-security data collection of transactions and stocks: 1) Monthly report of domestic custodians for their own and customers’ portfolio (direct and indirect reporting), 2) Quarterly direct report for securities held in own custody or at foreign depots. The PI liabilities are calculated as residuals from outstanding volume of issued securities minus domestic securities’ stocks.
Deposit taking corporations (custodians),companies, households.
ISO-Codes for countries and currency, ISIN-Code, IWF: Balance of Payments Manual 6, European System of Accounts 2010.