Employees of outward direct investment broken down by region

Publication schedule


This table shows the staff numbers of Austrian direct investment enterprises abroad broken down by target regions. The number of employees is weighted for the Austrian investors’ share in the nominal capital. This table does not include real estate owned by Austrians abroad nor SPEs.



Definitions and terms:

DI, FDI, ODI, direct investment, employment, affiliated enterprises, Outward FDI.

Legal basis:

Foreign direct investment statistics as part of BOP and IIP is defined by:  Regulation (EC) No 555/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 2012. Legal basis for data collection: Article 44 Nationalbank Act, Exchange Control Act 2004.


Annual survey on direct investment abroad.

Reporting institutions:

Banks, companies, individuals.

Standards and codes:

NACE, ISO country and currency codes, IMF Balance of Payments Manual 6, OECD: Benchmark Definition 4.