Transaction components – inward direct investment
This table decomposes inward direct investment flows into equity (showing new investment and disinvestment separately), reinvested earnings and “other direct investment capital” with a breakdown into assets and liabilities.
Inward direct investment, transaction, equity, reinvestment, intra-group loans, assets, liabilities.
Foreign direct investment statistics as part of BOP and IIP is defined by: Regulation (EC) No 555/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 2012. Legal basis for data collection: Article 44 Nationalbank Act, Exchange Control Act 2004.
Data on DI transactions are collected monthly; additional information, primarily useful for the calculation of reinvested earnings, is provided by the direct investment survey.
Banks, companies, individuals.
IMF Balance of Payments Manual 6, OECD: Benchmark Definition 4.