Reconciling asset/liability- and directional principle
This table allows to reconcile the traditional “inward- outward” view of direct investment with the new “assets-liabilities-presentation” of gross claims and gross liabilities introduced by BPM6 using positions data. In addition, the table provides a breakdown of overall FDI int SPEs (Special purpose Entities), private real estate, and DI in enterprises (FDI as such).
Direct investment, inward, outward, asset, liability, directional principle, position, stock.
Foreign direct investment statistics as part of BOP and IIP is defined by: Regulation (EC) No 555/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 2012. Legal basis for data collection: Article 44 Nationalbank Act, Exchange Control Act 2004.
Annual survey on FDI stocks conducted by OeNB.
Banks, companies, individuals.
IMF Balance of Payments Manual 6, OECD: Benchmark Definition 4.