Balance of payments – summary – by region – year
Publication schedule
This table shows the balance of payments (BOP), which represents a systematic record of economic transactions between residents of Austria and residents of other countries. The balance of payments consists of a real economy section (current account) and a financial section (financial account). Transactions are presented in the form of double entry bookkeeping. The compilation method builds on the international standards laid down in the IMF Balance of Payments Manual and on the System of National Accounts. Furthermore, it undergoes regular revisions and offers a high degree of detail.
OeNB, Statistics Austria.
Current account, goods, services, primary income, secondary income, capital account, financial account, assets, liabilities, direct investment, Outward direct investment, Inward direct investment, equity capital transactions, other capital transactions, portfolio investment, equity and investment fund shares, short-term debt securities, long-term debt securities, other investment, trade credits, loans, currency and deposits, financial derivatives, reserve assets, errors and omissions.
Legal basis for compilation: Austria: Article 44 Nationalbank Act, Exchange Control Act 2004; International: SDDS and Articles of Agreements of the IMF, ECB guideline, EU regulation. Legal basis for data collection: Article 44 Nationalbank Act, Exchange Control Act 2004.
External statistics compiled by Statistics Austria. Up to 2006: Foreign exchange reporting system. From 2006: Direct reporting system covering economic units that exceed the applicable reporting thresholds; securities transactions and holdings reported by custodian banks (security by security); money and banking statistics; administrative data; OeNB estimates. Depending on the type of transactions, data are compiled at quarterly or monthly intervals.
Banks, companies, individuals, public entities.
ISO country and currency codes, ISIN code, IMF Balance of Payments Manual 6.