III. Contingent short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value)
Publishing these statistics is an obligation under the SDDS. These statistics comprise planned, but not predetermined inflows or outflows from the OeNB’s or the central government’s transactions in foreign currencies (not in euro). By definition, these are primarily off-balance sheet positions that are neither relevant for the OeNB nor for the central government.
OeNB, Austrian Federal Financing Agency.
Inflows, outflows, contingent liabilities, embedded option, credit line, short position, long position, foreign currency.
2012/120/EU Guideline of the European Central Bank of 9 December 2011 on the statistical reporting requirements of the European Central Bank in the field of external statistics (ECB/2011/23).
Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and Special Data Dissemination Standard of the IMF.
Collected monthly.
OeNB, Austrian Federal Financing Agency.
2012/120/EU Guideline of the European Central Bank of 9 December 2011 on the statistical reporting requirements of the European Central Bank in the field of external statistics (ECB/2011/23).
IMF, 2011: International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity: Guidelines For A Data Template.