Payment card transactions with cards issued in Austria

Publication schedule


Payment card transactions with payment cards issued in Austria broken down by type of card / domestic and foreign transactions incl. distance selling.



Definitions and terms:

Payment statistics, credit cards, payment cards, delayed debit cards, payment statistics participants, transactions, card payments.

Legal basis:

§ 44a Nationalbank Act; Regulation(EU) Nr. 1409/2013 of the ECB on payment statistics,  Guideline ECB/2014/15 on monetary and financial statistics; Directive on Payment Services in the
Internal Market.


Census by way of payment statistic, quarterly; Census by way of payment systems statistic, quarterly.

Reporting institutions:

Payment system operators according § 44a section 1 NBA, payment- and e-money institutions as well as branch offices / branches from the EEA area, with a branch in Austria.

Standards and codes:

§ 44a Nationalbank Act; Regulation(EU) Nr. 1409/2013 of the ECB on payment statistics,  Guideline ECB/2014/15 on monetary and financial statistics; Directive on Payment Services in the Internal Market.