Instruments subject to credit risk in accordance with GCR and FinStab – Joint stock and private banks
Publication schedule
This table provides information on instruments subject to credit risk in accordance with granular credit data reporting (GCR) provisions and the FinStab reporting regulation. Data on domestic debtors are broken down according to ÖNACE 2008 sections. By contrast, data on nondomestic debtors are presented at the level of other country-specific aggregates (e.g. debtors resident in euro area countries excluding Austria, other nonresident debtors). Data on creditors are broken down by reporting banking sectors.
Pursuant to Article 75 Austrian Banking Act, the GCR provisions deal with the collection of credit data and credit risk data based on the regulation of the Financial Market Authoritiy (FMA) on reporting for the collection of granular credit data (Granular Credit Data Collection Regulation; Granulare Kreditdatenerhebungs-Verordnung – GKE-V). A reporting threshold of EUR 25,000 applies to instruments extended by CRR credit institutions to legal entities as defined in Article 1(5) of the AnaCredit Regulation. The reporting threshold applicable to instruments extended by CRR financial institutions and to instruments to natural persons is EUR 350,000.
Representing a “delta report (vis-à-vis GCR data)”, FinStab reporting is based on the regulation of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank regarding the collection of data on credit and country risks, residual maturity and foreign currency loans as well as of financial data on foreign banking subsidiaries. As the reporting provisions differ, the resulting aggregates differ as well. The only distinction made on the debtor side is between legal entities and natural persons, which is why a breakdown into ÖNACE 2008 sections is not possible.
Article 75 Austrian Banking Act, Granular Credit Data Collection Regulation (GKE-V), FinStab reporting regulation.
Austrian Banking Act; Regulation of the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) on reporting for the collection of granular credit data (Granular Credit Data Collection Regulation; Granulare Kreditdatenerhebungs-Verordnung – GKE-V); Regulation of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank regarding the collection of data on credit and country risks, residual maturity and foreign currency loans as well as of financial data on foreign banking subsidiaries (FinStab).
GKE-V-compliant monthly reports, FinStab-compliant quarterly reports.
Credit institutions as well as financial institutions according to the CRR definitions; special purpose banks (in case of the “delta report (vis-à-vis GCR data)”).
Austrian Statistical Classification of Economic Activities, ÖNACE, OENACE, banking sectors, legal entities as defined in Article 1(5) AnaCredit Regulation.
Credit risk-related instruments in accordance with GCR and FinStab, GCR, granular credit data reporting, sections, OENACE, ÖNACE, NACE, banking sectors, corporate loans, loans to nonfinancial corporations.