Instruments subject to credit risk in accordance with FinStab – Domestic and foreign debtors aggregated according to NACE sections
Publication schedule
This table provides information on instruments subject to credit risk in accordance with the FinStab reporting regulation. FinStab reporting is based on the regulation of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank regarding the collection of data on credit and country risks, residual maturity and foreign currency loans as well as of financial data on foreign banking subsidiaries.
Data on domestic and foreign debtors are broken down according to NACE sections. By contrast, data on creditors are aggregated based on data reported by consolidated banking groups and by unconsolidated individual credit institutions.
FinStab reporting regulation.
Article 44 National Banking Act (NBG); Regulation of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) regarding the collection of data on credit and country risks, residual maturity and foreign currency loans as well as of financial data on foreign banking subsidiaries (FinStab).
FinStab-compliant quarterly reports.
All banking groups as well as stand-alone banks operation in Austria pursuant to the CRR-defintion.
NACE, ISO-Country-Codes.
Credit risk-related instruments in accordance with FinStab, NACE, corporate loans, loans to nonfinancial corporations, loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, sme, smart cubes.