Production index

Publication schedule


This table shows the production index, which measures monthly changes at real prices in the volume of output produced by individual industries and all industries taken together. The index is calculated from monthly reports submitted for the production of short-term statistics on the business cycle (base year 2005 = 100) on the basis of production-deflated values. As in the past, output is usually measured in terms of total technical production, i.e. production on own account (for sale or intracompany use) and production bought in by other companies. Whenever no data are available on own-account production, data on sold volumes are used instead. This is the case for all goods produced by auxiliary construction businesses and for product-related services. The breakdown of variables is based on the ÖNACE framework. Indices are working day-adjusted.

For further details see the German documentation of Statistics Austria.


Statistics Austria.


Monthly reports submitted for the production of short-term statistics on the business cycle.

Reporting institutions:


Standards and codes:

ÖNACE 2008.


Production index, manufacturing, industry, industrial production.