Alice Radzyner

Research interests
- EU integration
- EU regional policy
- EU structural and cohesion funds
- the impact of the New Silk road on Europe
- EU migration
Selected publications
Barisitz, S. and Radzyner, A. (2017). The New Silk Road, part II: implications for Europe. Focus on European Economic Integration Q4/17, OeNB. (forthcoming)
Barisitz, S. and Radzyner, A. (2017). The New Silk Road, part I: a stocktaking and economic assessment. Focus on European Economic Integration Q3/17, OeNB, 8–30.
Radzyner, A. (2014). Implementation of Cohesion policy 2014-2020: Preparations and administrative capacity of Member States. October 2014. European Parliament.
Schneidewind P, Radzyner A, Hahn M, Gaspari E, Michie R and Wishlade F. (2013). Financial Engineering Instruments in Cohesion policy. European Parliament. May 2013.
Radzyner, A., Hahn, M, Pucher, J., Schneidewind, P., Niederbichler, P. (2012). „Österreich und die EU-Donauraumstrategie (EUSDR) – Erste Erfahrungen und Perspektiven“. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich. September 2012.
Schneidewind, P., Hahn, M., Radzyner, A. (2012). Analysis of needs for financial instruments in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. European Commission. January 2012.
Radzyner, Alice (2010). To what Extent has Politics Influenced the Economic Decision of ‘Closing Doors’? Comparing the UK’s and Germany’s Stances on Immigration from the A8+2. Studia Polityczne. Polish Academy of Sciences – PAN. 2010. Nr. 25, 53–77.