EMU Forum 2016 – Completing Economic and Monetary Union
– Save the dateThe EMU Forum 2016 brings together academics, experts and policy makers to debate about the political economy of the euro area. The resilience of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) hinges on its capability to reduce and distribute risks among its member countries. The rationale behind deepening EMU is to enable long-term convergence based on ex ante coordination and swift crisis management by strong institutions. Drawing on the Five Presidents’ Report on “Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union,” the forum will explore ways to bolster the single currency by promoting economic, financial, fiscal and political union.
This event, organized by the OeNB together with the Euro50 Group and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), builds on last year’s workshop “Toward a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union”.
The list of renowned speakers at the EMU Forum 2016, which will be hosted by OeNB Governor Ewald Nowotny at the OeNB on November 24 and 25, includes Peter Praet, Member of the ECB’s Executive Board, Klaus Regling, Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism, and Philip R. Lane, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland.
The preliminary program can be downloaded below.