OeNB-Freitagsseminar with Diane Fromage

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Banking Union 10 years on: where do we stand

OeNB Freitagsseminar with Diane Fromage, Paris Lodron University Salzburg

The European Banking Union has been existing for 10 years and a reflection on how it has developed so far appears to be in order at a time where important reforms have just been approved, and where its third pillar is still missing.

This presentation will shed some light on the evolution and current status of the first and second pillars, highlighting in particular the complexity that characterizes them and the accountability issues that this provokes. In so doing, it will also seek to outline some potential ways forward.

Friday, May 24, 2024 | Start: 11.00 a.m. | End: 12.30 p.m.

The event is planned both, online via Webex and onsite at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, M3080, 3rd floor, Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna

Please register by May 17, 2024, at the latest.

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      Phone: +43 (1) 404 20-6920