Conference on European Economic Integration 2017
–A modern take on structural reforms – past and future challenges for CESEE and Europe at large
Amid today’s formidable challenges, well-designed and effective structural reforms are key to shaping Europe’s future and facilitating its return to balanced growth and convergence. The CEEI 2017 will revisit the profound market reforms carried out in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European (CESEE) countries, shedding light on individual privatization strategies as well as gradual versus shock transformation. In line with a modern understanding of structural reforms that goes beyond liberalization and deregulation, speakers will also highlight social aspects and distributional effects of such reforms. Given the quickening pace of technological change, the conference will moreover serve to assess the implications of future challenges arising from digitalization, deindustrialization and the emerging protectionist threat to Europe. Taking a forward-looking perspective, experts from academia and politics will discuss which reform steps are necessary to provide for prosperous labor, product and capital markets.
Monday, November 20, and
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Vienna Marriott Hotel
Parkring 12a
1010 Vienna